this place [of mine] is about the future of our high streets and town centres. What kind of places would we like them to be? And what if we could use art to imagine something different?
Big questions need big ideas! And who better to get creative than a group of young people and artists from across Greater Manchester?
After weeks of workshops, conversation and collaboration, together we have created this place [of mine] – a virtual playground where you can explore artworks and ideas for the future. And maybe get inspired with some ideas of your own!

High Street Vs. Future Street!
For over a hundred years, high streets have been the heart of our local towns and communities. They are the places we gather, play and even protest.
And with every generation, our high streets shape shift a little bit, adding new layers of history and local culture. Think about your own high street – is it the place you go to shop, grab some food, hang out with your friends? Do you even go there at all?
Today our high streets face so many challenges, from online shopping to a global pandemic. It’s a hard time for high streets, but it’s also an exciting time. A time to imagine something new! Already, lots of creative experiments are happening across the country. But what do young people want to see for the future of their hometowns?
The journey so far...
this place [of mine] is a new arts and culture project working with ten young people in Greater Manchester. Through a programme of creative workshops, conversation and art making, they became the ten Young Producers. Together they explored what makes each of their towns unique, and what matters most to them. Things like: colour and creativity, nature and green space, community and local businesses. Each of their ideas is expressed through the artworks, questions and suggestions that make up this virtual place. An imaginary space to explore many possible futures!
this place [of mine] is also a series of new digital art commissions. Alongside the Young Producers’ visions of the future, you’ll find exciting new artworks from the Citizen Futurist artists. Each of these artworks is inspired by conversation and collaboration with the Young Producers.
You can find out more about this place [of mine] on the FutureEverything website.